Wheat & Flour

Wheat & FLOUR

Ranked next to maize in terms of consumption, wheat has been playing an important role in leveraging the agrarian scenario of India. The annual production of wheat in India stands at 65-75 million tonnes, thereby making India its second largest producer in the world after China. 


People in India consume 70-72 million tonnes of wheat on an average. In India, it is commonly known as ‘atta’ and is eaten mostly in the form of rotis, chapatis, etc. There are about 200 flour mills operating in India having a capacity to produce about 15 million tons of wheat.

Definition of Wheat

Wheat is defined as a cultivated grass which is grown primarily for its nutritional grains. It grows anywhere between 2 and 4 feet. The scientific name of wheat is ‘Gramineae’ and belong to the genus ‘Triticum’. There are a wide variety of wheat that can grow in different climatic conditions, whether it’s cold, hot or dry. 


It is an annual crop that grows once a year, and thus, at the end of each year, the fields must be plowed and prepared to enable the grass to grow. It can be planted to some extent as a forage crop for the livestock, whereas the straw of the wheat can be used to make roof thatching or as fodder for animals.

Types of Wheat

A wide variety of wheat is grown in today's times. However, the three principal types of wheat that are produced in India comprise of:

Hard Red Winter Wheat: It produces good quality flour used primarily in making bread, burgers, biscuits, etc. It has a high protein content of 10-14%, because of which it has a high amount of gluten in it


Soft Wheat: Products like cakes, doughnuts, cookies, pastries, etc. are best made with soft wheat as it does not require the same amount of leavening as yeast bread. It contains about 6-10% protein in it.


Durum: Durum has a very hard texture and has a high protein and gluten content in it. It contains semolina, a course, golden amber product, which, when mixed with water, forms a dough. It’s this dough that is largely used in making pasta products like noodles, spaghetti, etc.


White Wheat: It has a soft texture and is used in making cereals, cakes, biscuits, etc.


Wheat should be processed before it can be consumed in the form of a food product, since the insects and germs present it can cause serious health repercussions. Following is a detailed description of how the wheat is processed in a flour mill:

The first step in this process is the cleaning of wheat which is done using specially designed machines in which the impurities like straws, weeds, etc. are removed


The kernel of the wheat grain is moisturized in a process known as tempering which makes the bran coat tough, thereby enabling it to separate from the endosperm in a complete manner 


The wheat that has been tempered is then sent for grinding, where the kernel is passed through a series of rollers to help it crack and ground. After is has passed through each set of rollers, the wheat is sifted to separate the fine flour particle from the endosperm particles and bran 


The wheat flour is bleached and the Vitamin B elements like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc. as well as iron, are added to it before it is packed to be sold to the consumers.

Wheat flour

Wheat Flour is fine stone-milled made from whole wheat. It is called “ATTA” in India and subcontinents.


Wheat flour is a powder made from the grinding of wheat used for human consumption. Wheat varieties are called “soft” or “weak” if gluten content is low, and are called “hard” or “strong” if they have high gluten content. Hard flour, or bread flour, is high in gluten, with 12% to 14% gluten content, and its dough has elastic toughness that holds its shape well once baked. Soft flour is comparatively low in gluten and thus results in a loaf with a finer, crumbly texture.[1] Soft flour is usually divided into cake flour, which is the lowest in gluten, and pastry flour, which has slightly more gluten than cake flour.


In terms of the parts of the grain (the grass fruit) used in flour—the endosperm or protein/starchy part, the germ or protein/fat/vitamin-rich part, and the bran or fiber part—there are three general types of flour. White flour is made from the endosperm only. Brown flour includes some of the grain’s germ and bran, while whole grain or wholemeal flour is made from the entire grain, including the bran, endosperm, and germ. Germ flour is made from the endosperm and germ, excluding the bran.

Energy 1,418 kJ (339 kcal)
Carbohydrates 72.57 g
Sugars 0.41 g
Dietary fiber 12.2 g
Fat 1.87 g
Protein 13.70 g
Vitamins Quantity%DV+
Thiamine (B1) 39% 0.447 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 18% 0.215 mg
Niacin (B3) 42% 6.365 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5) 20% 1.008 mg
Vitamin B6 26% 0.341 mg
Folate (B9) 11% 44 μg
Minerals Quantity%DV+
Calcium 3% 34 mg
Iron 30% 3.88 mg
Magnesium 39% 138 mg
Manganese 181% 3.8 mg
Phosphorus 49% 346 mg
Potassium 9% 405 mg
Sodium 0% 5 mg
Zinc 31% 2.93 mg
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

• Units
• μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
• IU = International units

+percentages are roughly approximated


Wheat bring with itself loads of health benefits that can be discussed as follows:

Bread, which is made of wheat flour, is extremely nourishing and gives strength and vitality to people with high appetite.


It also helps in curing nose bleeding when wheat, dissolved in milk and sugar, is consumed by the victim


It is a rich source of Vitamin B and basic amino acids, including arginine and lysine


Wheat also helps in curing constipation and is beneficial for people suffering from cancer


The whole grain in wheat helps in preventing diabetes as it influences the insulin level through maintaining the body weight.